Willow Craft Classes

Classes are available throughout north west England at your own venue and at the venues below.
Follow my FB page for updates

Saturday 5 October 2024 from 10am-4pm
Saturday 15th March 2025 from 10am - 4pm

This course covers the techniques of working with green willow. It will be out-doors in the College willow bed, so warm clothing, boots and waterproofs will be needed. The willow will be provided and you will have the opportunity to make a willow hurdle or to try living willow sculpture, make a rough basket or bean pyramid, or anything else you feel inspired to make on the day. Bring a packed lunch and some secateurs.
The course aims to cover:
-The management of willow coppices
-Coppicing willow to produce useable stems
-Living willow sculpture
-Construction of a pyramid plant support, hurdle and basket
£100.00 Fee
Myerscough College, St Michael's Road, Bilsborrow, Preston, PR3 0RY
For all enquiries please see our contact page https://www.myerscough.ac.uk/get-in-touch/ or call 01995 642222
tags: Coppice Crafts, Woodland management

Book directly here

Willow Crafts (Ref:23AGRSCPS270)
Important Note: If you are booking this course on behalf of someone else then please call 01995 642255 to discuss details before proceeding.

Other class examples include... (more images to follow)

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